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The Council Regulations


The main form of the Council's activity is meetings (open or closed), which are held as needed, usually quarterly. If necessary, meetings may be held as video conferences or by electronic means.

A Council meeting shall be deemed duly constituted if all Council members are notified in advance and more than half of its members are present.

The Council makes decisions by voting. A resolution on current issues is deemed adopted if at least 2/3 of the members present at the meeting vote in favor of it.

The Council members may adopt resolutions on urgent matters by voting by electronic means (Council chat, e-mails, text messages). In this case, the Council's decision shall be deemed adopted if at least 2/3 of the members out of its total membership have voted for it.

Decisions on amendments to the Council Regulations, admission of new members or exclusion of members from the Council, and granting observer status shall be deemed adopted if at least 3/4 of the members present at the meeting vote in favor of them. Resolutions on these issues shall be adopted by secret voting.

Observers may participate in open meetings of the Council, as well as experts, government officials, religious and public figures, etc., may be invited with the Council's consent.

The Council Regulations

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